API Terms of Use

These API Terms of Use (“API Terms of Use”) apply to your use of the various read-only and advanced application programming interfaces (collectively, the “Reitangruppen API”) provided by REMA 1000 i Norge AS. By using the Reitangruppen API, you accept these API Terms of Use. We may change the terms of these API Terms of Use from time to time. By continuing to use the Reitangruppen API after we post any such changes, you accept the API Terms of Use, as modified.

Your use of the Reitangruppen API is subject to the Reitangruppen API Terms of Use as well as the following terms and conditions:


The Reitangruppen API is available solely for the purpose of advertising REMA 1000’s stores and products. It may not be used for any other purposes without express written permission from REMA 1000. For the avoidance of doubt, the API may NOT be used by any competitors of REMA 1000 for the purposes of analysing, receiving or reviewing information regarding REMA 1000 pricing or product availability.

The Reitangruppen API may not be used in such a manner or context where the end consumer may perceive REMA 1000 or Reitangruppen as being the entity behind the product using the API. It may also not be used in a manner which actively promotes the use of alcohol or nicotine.


The Reitangruppen API is available free to use. However, for certain types of commercial applications or for a certain rate of usage of the API, REMA 1000 reserves the right to charge fees. In order to use the API, one must obtain an API key from REMA 1000. The API key must be part of each call made to the API service, regardless of the HTTP method used. If REMA 1000 determines that the use of the API is commercial, the request for an API key may be granted subject to the user’s payment of license fees. An application is considered a commercial application if: (i) the primary purpose of the application is to derive revenue, (ii) The user charges its users a fee for products or services including integration using the API.


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